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Universal reactivity

In Svelte 5, you can create reactive state anywhere in your app — not just at the top level of your components.

Suppose we have a component like this:

	let count = $state(0);

	function increment() {
		count += 1;

<button onclick={increment}>
	clicks: {count}

We can encapsulate this logic in a function, so that it can be used in multiple places:

	function createCounter() {
		let count = $state(0);

		function increment() {
			count += 1;

		return {
			get count() { return count },

	const counter = createCounter();

<button onclick={increment}>
	clicks: {count}
<button onclick={counter.increment}>
	clicks: {counter.count}

Note that we're using a get property in the returned object, so that counter.count always refers to the current value rather than the value at the time the createCounter function was called.

As a corollary, const { count, increment } = createCounter() won't work. That's because in JavaScript, destructured declarations are evaluated at the time of destructuring — in other words, count will never update.

We can also extract that function out into a separate .svelte.js or .svelte.ts module...

export function createCounter() {
let count = $state(0);
function increment() {
count += 1;
return {
get count() {
return count;

...and import it into our component:

	import { createCounter } from './counter.svelte.js';
	function createCounter() {...}

	const counter = createCounter();

<button onclick={counter.increment}>
	clicks: {counter.count}

See this example in the playground.

Stores equivalent

In Svelte 4, the way you'd do this is by creating a custom store, perhaps like this:

import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
export function createCounter() {
const { subscribe, update } = writable(0);
function increment() {
update((count) => count + 1);
return {

Back in the component, we retrieve the store value by prefixing its name with $:

	import { createCounter } from './counter.js';

	const counter = createCounter();

<button onclick={counter.increment}>
	clicks: {counter.count}
	clicks: {$counter}

The store approach has some significant drawbacks. A counter is just about the simplest custom store we could create, and yet we have to completely change how the code is written — importing writable, understanding its API, grabbing references to subscribe and update, changing the implementation of increment from count += 1 to something far more cryptic, and prefixing the store name with a $ to retrieve its value. That's a lot of stuff you need to understand.

With runes, we just copy the existing code into a new function.


Reactivity doesn't magically cross function boundaries. In other words, replacing the get property with a regular property wouldn't work...

export function createCounter() {
	let count = $state(0);

	function increment() {
		count += 1;

	return {
		get count() { return count },

...because the value of count in the returned object would always be 0. Using the $state rune doesn't change that fact — it simply means that when you do read count (whether via a get property or a normal function) inside your template or inside an effect, Svelte knows what to update when count changes.